The magic drink
Legend has it that a magical tree grows in the South American forests with powers that unite and energize.

The little extra
for your health

The yerba mate is a South American tree with multiple benefits. Consumed for thousands of years by local populations for its therapeutic virtues and physical benefits, it is the drink of choice for combining well-being and energy. By infusing the leaves cold, we maximize the virtues and aromas of the plant. The caffeine and theobromine present in the plant create a 100% natural energy that stimulates without the usual coffee backlash. A high without crashing. A dose of energy to take without guilt.

A gentle wave of energy. To get you going without the crash.
This certified organic caffeine comes from the plant. A gift from Mother Nature.
Richer in antioxidants than tea. Not bad.
A plant-based drink that tastes like heaven. Who could ask for more?

The yerba mate we use is air dried, so it has no traces of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). Mana uses only yerba mate that has never been in contact with fire, smoke or ashes. No hydrocarbons in our yerba mate!
Frequently asked questionsThis process is safer than the traditional method of drying leaves over a wood fire. The smoke and ashes from this type of drying produce carcinogenic hydrocarbons, particularly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.